
1. Hotel rooms are booked for a specified number of nights.
2. If a Guest does not define the length of intended stay at the check-in, it
is assumed that the room is booked for one night.
3. The hotel night starts at 3:00 p.m. on the day of the Guest’s arrival and
ends at 12:00 (noon) on the following day.
§ 2

1. To confirm Guest identity and/or to issue a Vat invoice and/or to formali-
ze a contract, the Guest has to present a document with a photo to validate

the Guest’s identity before receiving the room key.
2. Based on the presented identity document, the guest or the reception

fills-in the Client Registration Card. The correctly filled-in Client Registra-
tion Card confirms the entry into a contract with the Guest, while the fil-
led-in data is the basis for the issue of an invoice or a bill.

3. In the case of Guest’s refusal to present a document with a photo to
validate the client’s identity, the Hotel may refuse to hand over the room
key or must charge the fee in advance for the entire stay of the Guest.

§ 3

1. A hotel Guest should notify the Reception before 10:00 a.m. on the
scheduled check-out date that he or she wishes to extend the stay beyond
the duration indicated at check-in.
2. Such requests are accepted by the Hotel subject to room availability.

§ 4

1. A hotel Guest may not sublet the room to other persons even if the
paid-for duration of stay has not yet expired.
2. Persons who are not listed in the Client Registration Card may remain in

the hotel room from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. After 10:00 p.m., any ad-
ditional persons staying in the rooms with hotel guests should be reported.

3. A person may be refused acceptance in the hotel in case he or she has
flagrantly infringed the Hotel Rules during the previous stay in the hotel
by causing damage to the property of the hotel or other guests, or by
inflicting injury upon other guests or hotel staff or other persons on the
hotel’s premises, or if he has disturbed the peace of guests in the hotel or
the functioning of the hotel.
§ 5

1. The hotel renders services according to the category and standard it has
been awarded. Should a Guest wish to complain about quality of service,
he or she is requested to notify such complaints to the Reception staff at
the earliest possible moment to allow the hotel to respond promptly.
2. The hotel is obliged to ensure:
a) full and unrestrained rest to hotel Guests,
b) safe stay, including confidentiality of information about the Guest,
c) professional and polite attendance as regards all the services rendered
by the hotel,
d) cleaning the room and performing imperative repairs to equipment in
the absence of the Guest or in his or her presence, yet then only upon the
Guest’s prior consent

e) technically efficient room; should there appear defects that cannot be
remedied, the hotel will spare no effort to offer a change of room to the
Guest, if possible, or to otherwise ease the discomfort caused to the Guest.

§ 6

On request the hotel renders the following services free of charge:
a) providing information related to the stay or travel,
b) wake-up calls at pre-set time,
c) luggage storage; the hotel may refuse to accept luggage for storage on
days other than during the Guest’s duration of stay in the hotel or property
for storage which does not have the features of a personal luggage, unless
such refusal is prohibited by the applicable legal regulations.

d) safe storage (during the Guest’s duration of stay in the hotel) of cash, se-
curities and other valuables, in particular valuables or items with a scientific

or artistic value. The hotel may refuse to accept such items for storage only
if these items jeopardize the security in the hotel or are disproportionately
too valuable as compared to the size or standard of the hotel, or if such

items occupy too much space, unless such refusal is prohibited by the ap-
plicable legal regulations.

§ 7

1. The hotel accepts responsibility for the loss of or damage to property
brought by persons using the hotel’s services to the extent defined in the
provisions of Article 846-852 of the Polish Civil Code.

2. A hotel Guest should inform the hotel Reception about damage imme-
diately after he has found that damage has occurred.

§ 8

1. Night hours in the hotel begin at 10:00 p.m. and end at 6:00 a.m. on
the following day.

2. The behaviour of Guests and other persons availing of the hotel’s servi-
ces should not disturb the peace of other Guests’ stay. The hotel may re-
fuse to render any further service to a person who infringes that principle

or stop providing the service and request that the infringing person leaves
the hotel.

§ 9

1. Whenever a Guest leaves the room, he or she should check that the
door is safely locked.

2. A hotel Guest shall bear financial liability for all and any damage or de-
struction to the hotel’s equipment or technical devices which has been

caused by the Guest or by persons visiting him or her.
3. For reasons of fire safety, the use in the room of electric heaters, flat

irons and similar items which are not standard room equipment is forbid-

§ 10

1. Personal property left in a hotel room by a departing Guest will be send

to the address specified by the Guest, for additional charge. If such instruc-
tion was not given, the hotel will store such property in accordance with

applicable legal regulations.
§ 11

These Hotel Rules apply to all persons staying in the hotel or availing of
the hotel’s services.

§ 12

The hotel is completely non-smoking, except in designated areas.
Breaking the above prohibition will result in an additional fee of 500 PLN.

Sienna 104
33-318 Gródek nad Dunajcem

T: +48 18 888 85 00

Convenient access

Nowy Sącz 15 km
Tarnów 50 km
Kraków 102 km
Rzeszów 139 km
Katowice 179 km
Warszawa 341 km

© 2025
Heron Live Hotel