Benefits of Sauna

Learn about the healing properties of sauna

The benefits of using a sauna are numerous and affect both physical and mental health. Here are some of the main benefits:

  1. Relax and Rest: The sauna is a great place to relax and unwind. High temperature and atmosphere conducive to calm allow you to forget about stress and tension.
  2. Skin Cleansing: High temperature causes the pores of the skin to open, which helps to remove impurities and toxins. Regular use of the sauna can improve the appearance and health of the skin.
  3. Improving Circulation: In the sauna, vasodilation occurs, which increases blood flow. It helps to improve blood circulation and supply nutrients to tissues.
  4. Better Muscle Flexibility: The sauna helps to relax muscles, which can help improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.
  5. Pain Reduction: The high temperature of the sauna can help reduce muscle and joint pain. This is especially beneficial for people with rheumatic pains.
  6. Strengthening the Immune System: Regular use of the sauna can support the body's immune system, which helps fight infections.
  7. Improving Mental Wellbeing: Sauna can help reduce symptoms of depression, improve well-being, and increase feelings of relaxation.
  8. Detox of the Body: The high temperature of the sauna stimulates the process of sweating, which helps in the excretion of toxins from the body.
  9. Improving Sleep: Sauna can help in relaxation and improve sleep quality, which has a beneficial effect on overall health and well-being.

However, it is worth remembering that using a sauna requires certain precautions, such as avoiding staying in it for too long and taking care of proper hydration of the body. People with certain medical conditions should consult a doctor before starting regular sauna sessions.

Rules of use


1. You cannot enter the sauna hungry or with a full stomach.
2. Before entering the sauna, you should thoroughly wash and wipe dry. All cosmetics applied to the body, make it difficult to excrete sweat. Jewelry must be pulled off.
3. We use the sauna naked, wrapping ourselves only with a towel.
4. The sauna session should be started with benches located below. It is best to lie on a bench so that the whole body is on the same level. The position should be comfortable, providing complete relaxation. After a few minutes we can change to a bench higher, where it is warmer. Bathing in the sauna should not last more than 30-40 min in three time portions 12-15 min with breaks of 6-12 minutes for a cold bath.
5. After getting up from a lying position, wait 1-2 minutes in a sitting position to prevent sudden outflow of blood from the brain (which may result in fainting).
6. Take the shower alternately with warm and cold water starting from head to toe. Alternating showers after a hot session in the sauna improves our circulation and strengthens the body's immune system.
7. Drinks should also be taken in moderate amounts to make up for water and mineral salts deficiencies lost during laceration.
8. For additional hyperemia of the skin, you can use birch dusters with which we lightly hit the body.
9. During the sauna, you should avoid loud conversations and laughter to maintain the atmosphere of calm and relaxation.
10. After leaving the sauna, we should lie down and rest for about 15 minutes.

Sienna 104
33-318 Gródek nad Dunajcem

T: +48 18 888 85 00

Convenient access

Nowy Sącz 15 km
Tarnów 50 km
Kraków 102 km
Rzeszów 139 km
Katowice 179 km
Warszawa 341 km

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Heron Live Hotel